Sunday 18 September 2016

Ghosts: How To Deal With Vengeful Spirits

Ghosts: How To Deal With Vengeful Spirits 

Based off of the Supernatural Series

1.  First, Identify the Problem.
You must know if it is really a ghost or ghosts that you are dealing with.  It could be a different type of vengeful spirit, one that has passed over to the other side and returned to do Lucifer's dirty-work.  These corrupted souls are known as demons.  They are much more powerful and have far greater evil intentions.  Cold spots in a room or space and a human-like depictions are dead give-a-ways for a ghost.  Demons however, are dark, smoke-like entities who give off a smell of sulfur and when they posses a person, the host develops full black eyes.

Image result for supernatural ghost gif
Image result for supernatural demon smoke gif

2.  Threat?
Is your ghost really a threat to you?  Nine out of ten times the answer is a yes.  It may not be evident right now, but ghosts always become more angry and out for revenge as time passes by.  The spirit may take a liking to someone that reminds it of it's previous life.  But it may also be triggered by this same thing.  Ghosts usually start off as lost or scared but don't succumb to the innocence because in time the spirit may seek revenge on you.
 Image result for ghost gif

3.  What Is It After?
Figure out the motive for the ghost to still be around.  Ghosts are a result of a person's soul not wanting to leave Earth or refusing to believe they have actually died.  Sometimes, they are just in search of guidance or help.  Or, could it be that your house was the site of a violent death or murder?  Traumatic events that have lead to the death of a person also create a restless spirit.  Brush up thoroughly on the history of your area to make sure you are well educated.  This will come in handy if you want to get rid of the ghost.

4. Methods for Control. (not a permanent solution)

I'm not judging.  If you're okay with living with a ghost, that's fine by me.  Just heed my warning.  In time, all lost spirits become dangerous.  Anyways, there are two things that can cause harm to a ghost; salt and iron. Salt rings and lines are the most commonly used method in keeping a ghostly spirit away or trapped.  For some reason, they can't cross a salt barrier or come into contact with iron.  Just have salt lined in the door ways and windows of the rooms you don't want entered by it.  The iron can be used to defend yourself against the spirit if it becomes more hostile.
Image result for supernatural ghost gifImage result for ghost spn

5.  Methods for Expulsion. (permanent solution)
It's been said and proven that by burning the remains of the spirit should cast it away.  By 'remains' I mean the physical corpse.  True, this is a gruesome technique but it will get the job done.  Sometimes how ever, a lost spirit may be attached to an item it once owned while it was still alive.  Said item most likely contains traces of its DNA and will have to be burned as well to completely expel the ghost.  After burning all trace-evidence the spirit should go up into flames and never bother you again.
Image result for ghost spn


  1. This was awesome, glad I know now how to deal with ghosts if I ever encounter one, lol! Keep posting fam.

    1. Done know. I swear I have duppehs in my house......

  2. Probably could have used these methods in my previous house.

  3. Probably could have used these methods in my previous house.

  4. Thanks for the tips just incase I meet a ghost I know what to do now respect (Bless Up).

    1. Jayden anytime, you done know I gotchu! ;) #respeck

  5. I have never learnt more about ghosts and spirits in less time. This was fun to read and I learnt stuff.

    1. You're sooo welcome fam! Glad you enjoyed and learnt stuff

  6. Thanks for keeping me updated on movies awesome!

    1. Wha you talking about movies b? I think you're mistaken with my previous post ;)

    2. Wha you talking about movies b? I think you're mistaken with my previous post ;)

  7. I love the GIF of the ghost going up the stairs

  8. Great article! Teach me how to add scary ghosts and UFOs to my posts!
